Friday, September 28, 2018

How It Is

"I owe no blind allegiance to any other woman simply because we share the same pronoun. 

Assertions are not truths until they are established as facts & corroborated with actual evidence. 

Feelings are not evidence."

—Michelle Malkin via Twitter, 9/28/18

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Stash Enhancement For September 2018

I have added these beauties to my cross stitch chart stash during September 2018:

"Autumn Acres Farm" by Hands On Design

"Sunflower Manor" by Hands On Design

"White Pumpkin Farm" by Plum Street Samplers

Into the stash basket they go!

The Eternal Dilemma

I found my second floss box this morning.  It was under the bed.  No big surprise there.

Now I am in the eternal dilemma; I am at work but I really want to go home and work on the cross stitch projects I couldn't work on because I couldn't find the second floss box.

Yes, work pays the bills.  Cross stitch rewards the heart and the body and the soul.

I can guarantee that this work day will go slowly, because all I want to do right now is go home and thread a needle and get going on something.

Christmas Open House Season Is Here!

One of my favorite times of the year--when local shops hold their annual Christmas open houses--is quickly appearing on the calendar!  I wil...